Who can benefit from financial protection?
It is often said that “protection is the best form of investment” and everyone can benefit from having adequate protection in place. We believe that protecting yourself, your family and your business is a good investment. Adequate protection also gives you a solid platform to build a strong financial future.
The D.A Calder Approach to financial protection
As independent financial advisors, we are able to offer you a range of protection options from across the market. We will fully assess your current financial obligations and determine what level and type of cover you require, before offering impartial advice on the financial products available to you. Our aim is to give you peace of mind and confidence in the decisions you are making.
Browse our range of financial protection services below:

Life Assurance
Life Assurance helps to provide you, your family or your business with a cash lump sum in the event of your death. Life assurance can also act as a type of savings or investment, with some of your monthly premium being set aside for an agreed future payout amount. We are able to provide you with comprehensive support when considering your life cover options, to enable to you make the right decision.

Critical Illness
Critical Illness Insurance helps people who are diagnosed with an unexpected life threatening “critical” medical condition, which may leave them unable to work and struggling to pay their monthly mortgage, household bills and other expenditures.
Critical illness insurance allows you to plan for such eventualities and provides peace of mind to you and your family, to limit the financial hardship as a result of a serious or critical medical diagnosis, such as heart attack, stroke, cancer and similar. We can guide you through the range of critical illness cover available and help you make a decision on the best policy for your individual circumstances.

Shareholder Protection
If your business partner suddenly dies, could you afford to purchase their share of your business? If your business partners share were left to their family, would the family know how to manage the shares, be involved in the business or would they want to cash them in? Shareholder Protection gives your business a safety net in case of such circumstances, to ensure that the business and its employees are financially unaffected by the loss of a shareholder. We can offer advice and support to businesses looking to secure their future, today.

Keyperson Protection
KeyPerson Protection gives businesses financial peace of mind that the business can survive financially, in the event that a key person in your business dies or takes seriously ill. The KeyPerson policy financial payout can be used to help replace lost profits or pay the costs of a replacement person. We can discuss the options for KeyPerson Protection to find a policy that meets your business needs.