Who can benefit from insurance?
Insurance has been a cornerstone for all our clients in the past, and will continue to be in the future. Insurance provides a solid foundation for clients to build and execute their financial plans and ambitions. So, whether you need insurance for yourself, your family or your business, we can help to keep you safe.
The D.A Calder approach to insurance
We will begin by assessing your current financial assets and obligations. By fully understanding your current situation and your future plans, we can offer impartial advice on the range of insurance products and services available to you and find you the best insurance premiums for your protection requirements.
Browse our insurance services below:

Building Insurance
If you own a property then it will likely be a condition of your mortgage that you have adequate buildings insurance in place to cover against any damage to the structure of the property including the walls, floor and roof. With the average claim for a burst pipe in the UK being £25,000, it’s a financial risk to your personal savings to not have satisfactory buildings insurance in place. We can discuss policy options with you and ensure the policy you choose meets your property’s needs.

Contents Insurance
Unlike building insurance, contents insurance is not a requirement for obtaining a mortgage. However, in the event of loss or damage to your personal belongings including jewellery, electrical goods and furniture, would you be able to easily replace them to the same standard? Contents insurance offers peace of mind and lessens the financial burden if your personal possessions are stolen or damaged in any way. We can take you through the policy options available to you, based on the level of cover you require.

Public liability
Public liability insurance protects your business from the legal costs and potential compensation claims resulting from a third party being injured, or their property being damaged whilst at your business premises, or while you’re working at their property. We can help you minimise the financial risk of such an eventuality by discussing the policy options available to you and supporting you in making the best decision for your business needs.

Commercial (or business) insurance, is designed to minimise the risk of financial losses, should your business be affected by property damage, theft, compensation claims or other unforeseen circumstances. There are several types of insurance available to you as a business owner and we are experienced in providing all the information you need to make an informed decision on the types of insurance which are best for your business needs.